Quick Healthy Recipes have gone out the window on the nites before Christmas

We are suffering sugar overload already in our house and its not even Christmas.

We have made four batches of Fudge
There will probably not be any left by Christmas.

The truth is all the batches  were delicious,
They were also supposed to be give aways as Thank You gifts to helpful people over the year but we just had to scrape the pot, trim the edges and then there were those broken pieces that simple couldn't go to waste !

(I would post the recipe here but firstly, its not vegetarian and secondly I am thinking of your waistlines :))
Let me know if your would prefer the Fudge recipe instead of the link to regain your health and vitality and a trimmer shape and  friendly chocolate recipes and gluten free recipes 

We have even taken to pulling the blinds to avoid the reflections of our increased girths in the windows !
Seriously, something needs to be done whilst we can still fit into the space reflected in the windows ......
A quick search on the net has found help in regaining our pre-Christmas shape .......

Discover How To Create Healthy And Tasty Meals in your own kitchen

So far we have only thought about our new path to health whilst looking at the jar of Fudge  BUT we have taken the giant step of wrapping up ALL the remaining Fudge and labelling it and tomorrow we will definitely deliver it  !


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