Noodle Mania

The Great Noodle Craze has come upon us again. Brought on by a sudden hunger and empty cupboard we shot down to our local supermarket and spotted an Asian supply shop right next to the fresh fruit and vegetable shop we usually go to. Fresh seasonal vegetables, noodles, - easy, easy. How come we didn't even notice it before ? Intending a super fast whizz round the place we became enticed by all the packets, and shelves stacked to overflowing with many possibilities and potential meals. We spent so long cruising the shop that the assistant was becoming suspicious of our intentions and kept sidling up and down the aisles watching us. The end result was two huge bags, stuffed to overflowing with noodles of all descriptions and sizes, half the shop and a relieved sales assistant when we produced the money to pay for it. We discovered can be added to almost any dish we create and every dish has the potential to be converted to a noodle frenzy. Our recent favorite is...